miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

more spam

(pic taken by Nenad at our home while I was shooting some footage for Petrichor performance)

Bueno, pues lo típico, no?
¿Que sucedió y que no sucedió en 2014?

Por lo general ha sido un año de luchas. El final del 2013 ya fue duro, en realidad, era una advertencia de lo que venía. 

Ya situada en Berlin el 2014 ha sido un año de adaptación, progreso y lucha. 
He vuelto a empezar, casi de 0 en un país y ciudad nueva, ha sido duro pero a la vez he cumplido uno de mis sueños, y sigo viviendo lo.

Hemos luchado muy duro con la burocrácia Alemana, y lo hemos conseguido. No ser Europeo, como mi pareja, no es tarea fácil, pero al final la historia ha salido muchísimo mejor de lo esperado!! Hemos arreglado el permiso de residencia y las cosas siguen hacia delante. Cada día valoro más la persona con la que comparto mi vida, creativo y generoso como nadie.

Mi abuela enfermó, 3 veces seguidas, una después de la otra, produciendo le un ictus del cual sigue recuperando se. Que mujer, de estar casi muerta a volver ha andar y hablar perfectamente, si ya lo dicen, quien la sigue lo consigue.

A través de este mal trago de salud familiar he visto cosas en mi familia que no me han gustado nada, me he sentido decepcionada y muy nerviosa; ser cabezón y protector imagino que son instintos habituales y saludables en un entorno cercano, pero todo hasta cierto punto, hay que saber hasta donde llegar, ya que sino de cierta manera se pierde el respeto por los demás. De ahí saco y aprendo, que algunas herencias de comportamiento familiar van a ser poco a poco analizadas y extraídas de mi sangre. Aunque sea difícil, porque los patrones se esparcen y se repiten, todos aprendemos copiando, pero también se puede "descopiar", y ahí voy a dar le duro en este 2015.

Aunque no tenga un duro me encanta lo que hago, le he metido mucha caña al cine experimental, han nacido nuevas colaboraciones, las ideas no paran de surgir, me siento inspirada, con los pies en la tierra, cada show o evento me emociona, no me deja dormir, me motiva.

He conocido muchísima gente, y deseo que siga así para el 2015 y todos los años que tenga por delante, como el documental sobre Salgado dice, la gente son la sal de la tierra. Y yo sin esa sal no quiero vivir. Y si puedo ayudaros en vivir mejor eso que me llevo y os lleváis, por eso voy a seguir con la carrera de psicología, llegando al meridiano, con ganas de seguir, y también acabar para ver hacia donde me lleva.

Nuevos horizontes, de arte y ciencia, siempre de la mano.

Por suerte en este 2014 mis padres han podido seguir ayudando me, sin ellos no podría hacer todo lo que estoy consiguiendo. Son mis mayores productores. 

Y que decir de los viejos amigos, siempre ahí de alguna manera, para mi Barcelona sois vosotros, y que así siga siendo!

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Saturday Circuit Splash and I performed at the Leherter siebzehn.


It was a great expirience, large audience awesome organizers!

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

I can see...

Life is too short to care too much about everything.

Things are never so serious as they look like.

Life is for being experienced with intensity.

Think on which episodes do you remember the best from your past. 
The most intense ones, right?

You don't want to be dying in a future and feel your life was a waste, where you didn't do anything.

Move, life, experiment, fuck it up, laugh, cry, shout and smile again.

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014



Last Sunday the 23rd of November Laborberlin had the chance to celebrate the film evenings from Ausland (here in Berlin) with a 3 block special program! It was sooo great, we had a big great audience!! I enjoyed a lot the whole process.

 Also, I had the opportunnity to premier my new piece "Petrichor", an audio-odor-visual performance about the process of the odor Petrichor, or the smell of earth after it rains. For now, the documentation of my new piece it's just being sent by post :)

The next pictures are from Vytas:

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


I'm a bit disappointed in my-self.
I have this blog completely abandoned and every time the posts have less and less information.
There is a reason thought:
My lovely and dear best lover cannon camera had a lost, its lense died about 6 months ago, which means I have no digital camera, which was the main material I was using for posting.

Enough excuses and back to the posting...
"Clarita in Berlin". It's been already a year since we moved to Berlin.
It's not been an easy year, many transcendental events had happened since then. They had made us stronger and we are still fighting to get our life stabilized in this country.

Germany is not easy, not even for the European community. Just as a tinny example, I've been fighting now for a month in order to get a German health insurance. Dude, I can't understand it: alright, I'm a student (Psychology at UOC, remember?), but I live in Berlin, so please make me a fucking health insuranceeeeeeee!!!! No, they don't get it, I'm Spanish and student, enrolled at a Catalan university, so I must be here temporarily... Well, no matter how many times you explain that studying and working in the present doesn't mean being in the place the institution/company belongs, they don't get it. Laws are lousy and ridiculous. I know it will be all fine hopefully by 2015, but MEN, I wish I'd be paid by the time I'm spending calling them. The funniest thing is that, obviously, I have to pay a monthly fee for the insurance. And 1000 of discussions about the equivalent of the Spanish public health insurance, blablabla. No one seems to understand than in Spain no matters who you are, what do you do, if you pay taxes or not, if you are there for 5 days or 5 years or forever you will always be able to go to the doctor for free, they won't question you, they won't look up at you, they will just fucking nurse you. End of the story.

I recently finished the B1 German language level. Taking a break at the moment, too much info and vocabulary for only 9 months of studying! I'm glad however, I love this language, it's so romantic, it has a solution for everything, there is no "but this is not possible" as I find often answered in the Netherlands. Here, there is place for many conversational Loops. However, I still didn't get to the point of being able to understand the 10 sentences for saying "yes you are right" or "no, I don't agree" or whatever someone wants to say. It "klingt " as serious deep conversations constantly, and that fits me (laughing with irony about my-self... for the non irony catchers). Anyways, I continue with the German in February, B1+ and ich gehe zum B2! I hope by the end of the B2 I can speak a bit faster, now I'm like a retarded 3 year old kit who wants to say any stupid thing it's possible in order to communicate.

I met really nice people during those lessons. They are almost my everything in social live terms.

Then, Laborberlin it's a busy consuming time association and I love it. We have our next event next Sunday the 23rd of November in a location in our hood, Ausland. I'll be presenting the first sketches of my new work. I'm so nervous.

And... PSYCHOLOGY! Every day gets more interesting, getting trained to search and read articles. This semester I took almost a full time schedule. And, of course, my favorite subject is Genetics (I have to admit in a lower tone voice that I also love Psychology of the organizations...). Incredibly I'm dealing very well with statistics. Makes me happy since it will be probably 40% of my future, if I'm lucky, 50%: cases, studies... STATISTICS!!

Tomorrow I'm also starting (as a client) a 10 sessions of coaching. I'm looking forward to see this process from close by and check out if I can really tune my objectives and discard those ones which my heart didn't truly make space for them. More focus: more happiness. That doesn't exclude amazing holidays in Spain or other locations with see. 

And wow... I wish I will always write so much!
Thanks for making it until the end if you have read me, and until the next one!

Now some shity pics from the android:







miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Summer Screening

Tief performance at the Laborberlin summer screening, Am Flutgraben.

Circuit Splash, Robin o/o & Klara Ravat.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

The Proliferation of the Sun, 2014

I'd recomend this show to everyone around Berlin, organic shaped colorful digitalized slide projections.

Otto Piene, The Proliferation of the Sun, 2014, Installationsansicht Neue Nationalgalerie